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Working with State Education Agencies to Support Struggling Schools and Districts

Since 2014, the CALL Team has partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to support Title I schools. The project has grown each year as school leaders from across the state implemented the CALL system to assess school-wide leadership and determine their next steps for school improvement planning. The school leaders have relied on the CALL system to identify their Areas in Need of Improvement and their Areas of Strength, and they developed plans accordingly. Some of the most powerful moments of this project have occurred when the principals met face-to-face to share their data and discuss the targeted leadership practices. Urban principals were able to collaborate with rural and suburban principals, and they all learned from each other. This revealed that school contexts may differ, but the work of instructional leadership does not vary too greatly from school to school.

You can read about this project when it was first launched

You can also read about a participant from the project: a school leader who made demonstrable changes in her school.

This is a project that is replicable for other State Education Agencies, particularly with a Title I Department or a department similar in mission.