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Assessing and Supporting DISTRICT-LEVEL Leadership

The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) is proud to present the District-Level Leadership Assessment and Feedback System. The CALL District-Level assessment does not solely focus on the primary district administrator; rather the assessment system focuses on the key tasks, procedures, and practices at the district-level that impact school-level leadership. Upon completion of the survey, district leaders receive immediate targeted data and feedback designed to support district-wide school improvement planning and professional growth. This is a great opportunity for district leaders to receive feedback from school leaders, colleagues, and board members on how they can improve leadership district-wide. 

Who Should Take the CALL District-Level Survey?

This version of CALL is designed for district-level leaders and school-level leaders to be the primary survey-takers. Classroom teachers do not take this survey.

What does the CALL District-Level Assessment Measure?

The CALL District-Level assessment is aligned to the research-validated CALL School-Level assessment. The District-Level assessment measures leadership practices in five core domains:

  1. District-Level: Focus on Learning

  2. District-Level: Monitoring Leadership, Teaching, and Learning

  3. District-Level: Building Professional Learning Communities

  4.  District-Level: Acquiring and Allocating Resources 
  5. District-Level: Maintaining a Safe and Effective Learning Environment

Within each of these five core domains, there are three to five subdomains. These subdomains are the primary units of analysis for feedback in the reporting system.  

Interested in how the CALL system measures district-level leadership? Feel free to take a sample survey.